2014年3月27日 星期四

Relation Between Power Transformers And Inductors

With the growth of civilization and industry, we immediately felt the necessity to channel more power into our machines. That's when the idea of 'power transformers' came to reality. As the name suggests; a power transformer channels massive power into mechanical apparatus. There are many types of transformers actually. Each created to serve an individual purpose. The different types of transformers are-

• Power Transformers

• Flyback Transformers

• Voltage Transformers

And power transformer is a member of this family. With the passing years, transformers have grown pretty popular with the increasing demand for electrically operated systems. To deliver electronic apparatus to the people worldwide; an industry needs massive power supply, which can only be delivered by a power transformer. Their efficiency in running consistent power flow in an industry; led people to choose nuclear/thermal operated power transformers. Bigger and more powerful full transformers have appeared to help people in keeping pace with the world business. Manufacturers follow few precise methods to deliver better quality transformers. These methods are-

• Incorporation with an electrostatic shield for the attenuation of voltage spikes, fine noise, and transients. 
• They must be crafted to handle non-linear loads. 
• The coils should be wrapped with foil to reduce the heating effects. 
• Transformers should incorporate a neutral conductor sized at 2 times rated phase current. 
• Cases that hold transformers should be grounded per the National Electric Code. 
• All kinds of defects in materials, workmanship and performance should be guaranteed for 10 years from the date of manufacture.

So, there is no way to deny the uplifting work of transformers in our life. On the other hand, there is another important element that fulfills a transformers worth. These elements are called 'inductors'.

Manufacturers use inductors in all kinds of electronic devices. These smart devices take care of the electronic appliance by controlling the flow of electricity in them and maintaining a safe level of electrical power inside. It also reduces the intensity of noise that emanate from electronic circuits. That's why it is called the 'key element' of an electronic device. The other component that shares shoulder for this task with inductors is Toroid. These components offer higher and better inductance. A Toroid looks like a miniature doughnut, but its uses are overwhelming. Let's see what separates them from other inductors-

• Toroid is a special type of inductor that doesn't interact with neighboring components

• It has higher and efficient inductance power than other inductors

• A Toroid is pretty cost-effective

• Toroids can be found in different diameters and width

• Their behavior is mechanically friendly with regards to usage

• The Q values are remarkably great

So, it's not hard to figure out that, a power transformer is the reason of our industrial growth at present and in the near future but not without the inductors.

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