2014年2月25日 星期二

Embedded World: 8pin PIC has 16bit PWMs for LED lighting

Microchip PIC12(L)F157x for LED lighting Microchip announced a series of 8pin 8bit MCUs with three 16bit PWMs for LED lighting today at Embedded World in Nurnberg.

Called the PIC12(L)F157x family, they each have three 16bit PWMs with independent timers, “for applications such as LED lighting, stepper motors, and battery charging where high-resolution is needed”, said the firm. “In addition to standard and centre-aligned PWM output modes, the peripheral also has four compare modes and can serve as an additional 16-bit timer.”

There is also a ‘complementary waveform generator (CWG) block which can be combined with the PWMs to create half-bridge and full-bridge drive control.

It allows control of polarity, dead band and emergency shut-down states – useful for use driving FETs in motor-control and power conversion.

PIC12(L)F157x closed loop LED application Also on-board are 10bit ADCs, a comparator and a 5bit DAC for closed-loop feedback and control. The ADCs can be used for capacitive touch sensing.

There are two chips, 1571 and 1572, each in F and FL versions. F1572 has a EUSART for general-purpose serial communication, the cheapest in its range to do so said Microchip, and LIN for automotive and industrial control.

‘LF versions are lower power, operating at under 35µA/MHz and sleeping down to 20nA.

“The PIC12F157x family brings precision 16bit PWM drive and closed-loop control capabilities to our 8pin MCU portfolio,” said Microchip v-p Steve Drehobl.

Microchip also created the RGB Badge Demonstration Platform and ‘High resolution RGB LED color mixing’ application note (AN1562) to go with the family.

PIC12(L)F1571 and (L)F1572 are available now in 8pin PDIP, SOIC, MSOP and 3x3mm DFN.

There is a brief PIC12(L)F157x presentation.

PIC12(L)F157x PWM use

from News http://ift.tt/1jxgY1Z

via Yuichun

