2015年5月26日 星期二

NHS-funded project to create EMG control device

SBRI Photo for Press Release

(From left to right) senior clinical scientist and acting service lead at Barnsley Hospital, Simon Judge, managing director of GSPK Design, Paul Marsh and commercial director of D4D, Oliver Wells

A smart switch to help people who have acute brain injury or severe disabilities using tiny electrical signals produced by muscles, called electromyography (EMG), to communicate is being developed by GSPK Design, working in partnership with Barnsley Hospital and the NIHR Devices for Dignity Healthcare Technology Co-operative (D4D).

Knaresborough electronics design company, GSPK Design has received £76,000 for the initial development contract from NHS England and Papworth hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The system called EMGage is intended to allow users to control devices such as their wheelchair, computer devices and communication aids, something which they are currently unable to do.

“We think that as a result of this foresighted funding from SBRI Healthcare we will be able to create a device that will make a big difference to the lives of many people with significant physical disabilities,” said senior clinical scientist at Barnsley Hospital, Simon Judge.

According to Oliver Wells, D4D, commercial director of devices for Dignity, this project is a perfect example of how Devices for Dignity can pioneer new technology to the benefit of patients, businesses, the NHS and the economy as a whole.”

from News http://ift.tt/1Art1dJ
via Yuichun

