Italy is to have a National Microelectronics Strike Day on Friday to protest against Micron Technology’s attempt to sack 40% of its Italian workforce.
It is expected that the action will affect all microelectronics companies in a Italy, including STMicroelectronics. The National Strike Day follows street protests in Rome and Catania.
A meeting last Friday between the local Micron managers, workers, the unions, MISE officials and representatives of local institutions failed to make any progress on the issues of severance pay, relocation or the job security of the remaining 609 employees.
Micron has 1028 employees in Italy and has said it will sack 419.
A meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) is planned for later this week which Micron board members are expected to attend and spell out their plans for both the 419 sacked employees and the 609 who will remain.
Severance packages and relocation options, which have still not been resolved, are expected to be discussed.
Micron’s actions in Italy have provoked support for the sacked workers from the President of the Italian Republic, the Mayors of Catania and Messina and former ST CEO Pasquale Pistorio. And the EC authorities hold a watching brief.
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via Yuichun